Saturday, November 10, 2012

solitude in the driveway

hard at work in the driveway
In a recent search for solitude, I thought our neighborhood library might be a good spot. I gathered my coat, keys and computer and went out to the car, which was parked in our driveway. Though it was just 28 degrees, the sun had warmed our Prius into a perfect solarium. I sat for a moment thinking, this is about as cozy and quiet as it gets. I took off my coat, slid over to the passenger side, opened my laptop and got to work.

It felt sort of like a drive-in movie, being parked and not going anywhere. The mailman gave a puzzled look, but I soldiered on, in a typing bliss for a solid hour. An hour! This is HUGE. Sixty minutes of productivity in my distracted life is rare and gave the boost I needed to finish a chapter. The only things missing were my golden office assistants!

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