Saturday, September 1, 2012

not-a-critique-group writers

hanging out with Gloria, 2nd from right
We meet once a month at Gloria Skurzynski's place, a shaded deck alongside the Boise River and Greenbelt. Lunch is brown-bag but she spoils us with a pretty table set with fruit, cookies, nuts and lemonade. It's a friendly feast where we share our writing woes and joys, and specifically do NOT critique manuscripts. We just want to laugh and gab and hang out.

It's a comfort having Gloria as our friend. She's a mega-award winner of more than 60 children's books and she's been married to Ed for 60 years, so when she encourages us to keep going, to keep learning and to never give up, it means something.
 ( photo clockwise L-R: Elisabeth McKetta, Neysa Jensen, Amy Cook, KG, Leslie Gorin, Gloria, Christine Bender)

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